
The material contained within this website and associated documentation that comes with your lab test order and test interpretation is not intended to replace the services and/or medical advice of a licensed health care practitioner, nor is it meant to encourage diagnosis and treatment of disease. Materials obtained from and through this website is for educational purposes only. Kurt N. Woeller, D.O., Tracy Tranchitella, N.D.,or other associates/members of Health Training Association, Lab Tests Plus, Sunrise Medical Center or their affiliates, employees, associates, vendors, principals or partners, do not accept legal, moral or ethical responsibility for any problems arising from experimentation with the information described herein. Any application of suggestions set forth in the following portions of this website, and associated documentation that comes with your lab test order and test interpretation, is for use and interpretation at the reader\’s discretion and sole risk. Implementation or experimentation with any supplements, herbs, dietary changes, medications, and/or lifestyle changes, etc., is done so at your sole risk and responsibility and should be discussed with your or your child’s personal physician prior to implementation.