Select the test you want and add it to your shopping cart, then go through and complete the checkout process. Not sure which test you should get? Click here for help. Once we place your order with the lab, we will send you an email, letting you know your test kits are on their way. Orders may not be cancelled once they are placed with the lab.

You will be sent a test sample collection kit directly from the Lab. The test kit will include instructions on how to collect the sample, and a package for shipping the sample back to the lab.

Send the sample back to the Lab. Make sure to read the test kit instructions thoroughly for specific instructions on sample collection and shipping. When completing the accompanying paperwork, just indicate “Lab Tests Plus” anywhere in the payment portion of the form. Our doctor has electronically signed your order,so no signature is required on your paperwork.

The lab will process your sample(s) and send the test results to our Doctors.

Our Doctors will review your lab test result(s).

Our Doctors will write up a Recommended Course Of Action, based on your test results.

You will be sent your Lab Test Results, & Doctor’s Written Review of your test results, the Doctor’s Recommended Course of Action, PLUS – a list of recommended supplements (if indicated), the link to the professional-grade “Doctor’s Only” supplement stores, and the Doctor’s Code to be able to order the supplements yourself.
Shipping is free within the continental, contiguous United States.
You are responsible for all shipping costs to and from the lab. After we place your order with the lab, you will receive an email from the lab detailing your shipping costs. Please follow the instructions in the email to provide the lab with your credit card number to pay shipping costs. THE LAB WILL NOT SHIP YOUR TESTS UNTIL THEY RECEIVE PAYMENT FOR SHIPPING COSTS.