Saliva test that evaluates Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA-S and four timed cortisol measurements. Both men and women produce all the sex hormones – just in different ratios. Men are much higher in testosterone but still produce estradiol and progesterone which can balance and regulate testosterone. Women produce much less testosterone and more estrogen and progesterone in a cyclical pattern that regulates menstruation. The adrenal hormones of cortisol and DHEA-S are produced in both men and women and can be used to evaluate the health of our stress response system also referred to as the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis).
The Female/Male Saliva Profile I with 3 additional collections throughout the day to provide a complete evaluation of diurnal adrenal function. Eight (8) tests: Female/Male Saliva Profile I (E2, Pg, T, DS, and C1) + noon, evening, and night Cortisol. Both men and women produce all the sex hormones – just in different ratios. Men are much higher in testosterone but still produce estradiol and progesterone which can balance and regulate testosterone. Women produce much less testosterone and more estrogen and progesterone in a cyclical pattern that regulates menstruation. The adrenal hormones of cortisol and DHEA-S are produced in both men and women and can be used to evaluate the health of our stress response system also referred to as the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis).
For women who are menstruating regularly with a cycle length of 28-32 days, samples should be collected on day 19, 20 or 21 of your cycle with day one being the first day of menses. This allows us to see if adequate progesterone is being produced in the second half or luteal phase of your cycle.
For women who have irregular cycles, wait until menses occurs then follow the day count as described above. For women who are in menopause, collection on any day will be fine.
For men, collection at anytime is fine.
Please carefully read all instructions that come with the kit before starting your collections.
Indications for This Test
-Chronic Fatigue
-Weight Gain
-Stress Intolerance
-Heavy Menses
-Shortened Menstrual Cycle
-Irregular Menses
-Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
-Chronic Inflammation
-Loss of Muscle Mass
-Low Libido
-Brain Fog
-Low Blood Pressure
-Feeling Burned Out
Test Requirements
This test requires the collection of four timed saliva samples. Follow kit instructions on freezing saliva and prepping the kit for shipment back to the lab. Please carefully read all instructions that come with the kit before starting your collections.
ZRT Labs-Male/Female Salivary Profile III
Saliva test that evaluates Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA-S and four timed cortisol measurements. Both men and women produce all the sex hormones – just in different ratios. Men are much higher in testosterone but still produce estradiol and progesterone which can balance and regulate testosterone. Women produce much less testosterone and more estrogen and progesterone in a cyclical pattern that regulates menstruation. The adrenal hormones of cortisol and DHEA-S are produced in both men and women and can be used to evaluate the health of our stress response system also referred to as the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis).
The Female/Male Saliva Profile I with 3 additional collections throughout the day to provide a complete evaluation of diurnal adrenal function. Eight (8) tests: Female/Male Saliva Profile I (E2, Pg, T, DS, and C1) + noon, evening, and night Cortisol. Both men and women produce all the sex hormones – just in different ratios. Men are much higher in testosterone but still produce estradiol and progesterone which can balance and regulate testosterone. Women produce much less testosterone and more estrogen and progesterone in a cyclical pattern that regulates menstruation. The adrenal hormones of cortisol and DHEA-S are produced in both men and women and can be used to evaluate the health of our stress response system also referred to as the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis).
For women who are menstruating regularly with a cycle length of 28-32 days, samples should be collected on day 19, 20 or 21 of your cycle with day one being the first day of menses. This allows us to see if adequate progesterone is being produced in the second half or luteal phase of your cycle.
For women who have irregular cycles, wait until menses occurs then follow the day count as described above. For women who are in menopause, collection on any day will be fine.
For men, collection at anytime is fine.
Please carefully read all instructions that come with the kit before starting your collections.
Indications for This Test
-Chronic Fatigue
-Weight Gain
-Stress Intolerance
-Heavy Menses
-Shortened Menstrual Cycle
-Irregular Menses
-Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
-Chronic Inflammation
-Loss of Muscle Mass
-Low Libido
-Brain Fog
-Low Blood Pressure
-Feeling Burned Out
Test Requirements
This test requires the collection of four timed saliva samples. Follow kit instructions on freezing saliva and prepping the kit for shipment back to the lab. Please carefully read all instructions that come with the kit before starting your collections.
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