Candida Symptoms

Candida (particularly Candida albicans) is a common yeast organism that resides in the digestive system, and when found in abundant amounts can give rise to a number of candida symptoms. When it is kept in low levels candida is generally not a problem. Unfortunately, candida can be opportunistic and become problematic by flourishing within its colonies and invading the mucosal lining of the digestive system. There are many different types of candida, but most have the ability to become invasive when the opportunity arises. For many people the presence of candida is not recognized as anything serious. They have enough healthy bacteria (natural flora) in the digestive system that keeps the candida in check. However, for others the existence of candida and the toxins it produces creates a myriad of symptoms that is quite bothersome. Listed below are some of the more common issues experienced by people with candida symptoms.

Candida Symptoms – Common Issues Recognized By Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine recognizes certain problems that can come about from candida infections. These candida symptoms are usually obvious and easily recognized by most medical professionals. An oral overgrowth of candida called ‘Thrush’ often occurs in infants and young child who still have developing immune systems. There can be a whitish coating and cottage cheese like material in the mouth if the candida overgrowth is severe enough. Often children will complain of mouth discomfort or avoid food because of the irritation from the candida.

Another outward manifestation of candida is skin infections that appear red and blotchy. These usually occur around the groin or rectum and can be a manifestation of an overgrowth of candida. Most skin infections of candida can be treated successfully with topical antifungal medications.

Vaginal yeast infections are another problem associated with candida and the candida symptoms of these infections causes irritation, swelling, and pain around the vaginal area. Vaginal yeast infections affect millions of women every year and often link back to an imbalance of the natural flora in the vagina. Certain medications can be taken to help with vagina yeast infections.

Candida Symptoms – Common Issues Recognized By Many Integrative Medicine Practitioners

Candida symptoms can present with a wide range of “other” issues than just ‘thrush’, skin and vaginal infections. In fact, the list of complaints attributed to candida is extensive. Listed below is a short list of suspected “other” candida symptoms recognized by many integrative medicine practitioners:

• Allergies
• Anxiety
• Bad Breath
• Bladder Infections
• Constipation
• Depression
• Diarrhea
• Dizziness
• Dry Mouth
• Dry Skin & Itching
• Food Sensitivities
• Gas/Bloating
• Headaches
• Heartburn
• Hormonal Imbalance
• Indigestion
• Insomnia
• Irritability
• Infertility
• Joint Pain
• Low Blood Sugar
• Menstrual Problems
• Mental Fogginess
• Muscle Aches
• PMS Symptoms
• Poor memory
• Sugar cravings
• Water Retention

If you suffer from more than a few of these issues it is likely candida could be a problem. Even though not all of these are uniquely specific to candida (meaning there can be other causes too), the list above is often found highly represented in individuals with chronic candida problems.

Testing To Identify Certain Candida Symptoms and Problems

One of the best tests to perform to analyze for candida toxins and other metabolic disturbances is Great Plains Laboratory’s Organic Acids Test (OAT). Other tests to consider are the Comprehensive Food IgG Sensitivity (Food IgG) test from Great Plains Laboratory.


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