Urine Toxic Metals Test Video
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Urine Toxic Metals Test
Urine testing can be a useful way of assessing for heavy metal exposure. The Urine Toxic Metals Test, aka. urine metals is a diagnostic assessment of various heavy metals such as aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. Measuring these heavy metals in the urine is a quick and easy way of assessing for potential current exposure to heavy metals.
Urine testing for toxic heavy metals is most accurate for recent exposure. For example, if some ate a food that was contaminated with a heavy metal such as mercury (in fish) or arsenic (in rice) the level on the urine test would likely be high if measured a few days after consumption. However, levels in the urine usually diminish fairly quickly after the exposure is cut-off. Therefore, urine testing isn’t likely to show high heavy metals if the exposure was months in the past. In these cases, the urine toxic metals test becomes most useful if using a heavy metal detoxification therapy to provoke the excretion of heavy metals from the body.
Urine Toxic Metals Test, aka. urine metals is mostly used in the area of heavy metal detoxification therapy, aka. chelation therapy to assess the levels of metals being excreted overtime. Often times it is best to establish a baseline assessment of heavy metals prior to using a heavy metal detoxification remedy, and then do repeated Urine Toxic Metals Test every few weeks or months thereafter to monitor heavy metal excretion overtime. The goal is to have each heavy metal, i.e. lead, mercury, arsenic that was initially high on the baseline test return to normal amounts with ongoing therapy. The Urine Toxic Metals test is a common test performed by integrative medicine practitioners who are evaluating for heavy metal removal with various detoxification therapies.